Cathy Holt
7 min readNov 9, 2022


Global Earth Repair Summit, 10/23/22: Indigenous Wisdom Panel

Led by Ilarion Merculieff, from Alaska, the panel included indigenous people from Canada, the US, Colombia, New Zealand, Africa, Peru, and more. Some highlights follow.

Ilaryon has a short film on, a beautiful weaving of strands of indigenous wisdom. He says the elders are telling us we must shift our consciousness from mind to heart. The heart must inform the mind, not vice versa. This is like the return of the feminine balancing the masculine. We as a species have in modern times forgotten the laws for living and turned away from the “Original Instructions” given us by Creator. The heart is trans-rational, embodying qualities of love, patience, compassion, understanding. The mind lives in the past and future, going over trauma, rage, fear. Now is the only place connected to Divine Wisdom, he said. The heart will tell us what to do in all the chaos caused by the mind.

The panel members spoke. Separation from self leads to separation from others and the Earth. Using our energy to STOP things we don’t want, only feeds them and makes them increase. Instead, we can focus on the world we wish to see, and help bring it into being through ceremony. Sisterhood, men protecting women’s sacred space and women’s leadership can help. Mother Earth can heal herself if we are in a place of real harmony. Prophecies say that indigenous people will be looked to for guidance on the Original Instructions for Earth repair.

People not living in the heart will suffer. The Hopi Prophecy said we must let go of our attachments, and go to the center of the river of life, for it knows where it’s going. The Maori word for courage, Manawanui, includes references to heart, expansion, metaphysical self, clarity, knowledge, life force, energy, time and space, and sovereignty. Indigenous peoples spoke with the plants and animals, in the “original language of ONE.”

Forgiveness will be needed for the rebirth of a new Earth. Women hold that energy and connection to the womb of creation. See the four sacred colors (black, red, yellow, white) of humans as all one: “Hello, my other self!”

Systems thinking and complexity theory: we are all related. Youth overdosing is a result of settler colonialism. Youth are angry, depressed, need hope. On the Medicine Wheel, the four sacred colors correspond to the four sacred directions. The seventh fire prophecy is that when the human race matures to adulthood, we will unite. Complexity recognizes wholeness and interconnections. Relationships are the most important; focus on root cause, not symptom. There are unseen forces in different dimensions, helping us in these times of massive acceleration.

We need to go slower, at an earth-based pace, in order to commune and hear Mother Earth.

Soar high like Eagle, come home like Salmon, be rooted and strong like Tree. The unification of North and South is the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor flying together. The East and West: the Dragon and Phoenix together.

In the past 3000 years of patriarchal male-dominated cultures, people have abandoned the Original Instructions, and adopted a colonial mindset. The “Doctrine of Discovery” (Europeans “discovered” the New World and own it) has affected all, even the so-called untouched tribes, because of the loss of biodiversity and the bio-cultural erosion of heritage. 80% of all biodiversity is in indigenous territories; yet the indigenous are only 12% of the world’s population.

Anthropocentrism has been taught in universities and schools worldwide. Our focus on consumption is killing the earth, as well as ourselves (junk food, alcohol, etc.) Meanwhile, Mother Earth, the moon and planets teach us to live in cycles and in harmony.

The Kogi and other key Colombian indigenous people had a recent gathering. 52 spiritual elders of multiple bioregions came together in continental councils on 5/3/2013; the New Dawn Prophecy is said to occur on 5/3/2026. Eagle & Condor Councils are forming. The people of South America urge North Americans to “change their dream” from consumption to harmonious living with the Earth. We need intergenerational Earth equity and Earth ethics. It’s all-important to listen to Mother Earth now.

Colonial ways are still very alive — with the result that indigenous children die younger while the extractive economy disregards the ways of knowing of indigenous people. We need the traditional healing ways more than ever. As the elders die out, much of their knowledge has not been taught to children. This is now changing. The elders say we must act: it’s our last chance to be fearless together.

Indigenous knowledge existed way before computers. It was passed down in songs, ceremonies, weavings of sacred numbers into baskets. In the Haudenosaunee’s matriarchal system, women guide the men who do the work. The womb and creativity are at the center of the universe. Women, in sisterhood, can extend the creative energy.

We must embody in the heart, feel, live, and breathe in the heart — not just talk about it. Then we can act with true spiritual integrity. Infinite wisdom is available from listening to the heart: how to be there for our families and friends, our communities, and the non-humans.

The chaos of our times is a reflection of our own spirits. Pollution in our heart and mind leads to pollution in our world — so start within. Connect with the heart and breath of all beings and communities. Come into our true nature, know our heart and mind, sense the Light coming through. It will reach even the politicians and CEOs. Connect with the land and waters. Come back to the breath, the heart, the spirit.

The imbalance outside ourselves is also within. We must now give more than we take. Greed is taking more than we need, and that includes consumption of meat. We compromise the future: at the rate we are going, by 2048 there will be no fish in the ocean, and this means collapse for humans. Land dedicated to growing animals and their products for human consumption, and food for these animals, accounts for landmass the size of Africa. Although many indigenous peoples once hunted game, the Earth cannot now support the dietary habit of eating animals and their products. A vegan diet reverses major diseases in “civilized” nations.

What’s outside was created inside first — being critical of self makes us critical of others. We all have the answers within. Our personal power is to access our gift by going to the heart and following its messages.

Listen to the elders. They say we’re not separated from any other beings. We all need each other. We must return to an elder society way. Settler colonialism is teenage. Women who worked with plants were burned as witches. But the teachings are in our bones and hearts. Re-indigenize! Is our root growing? Be walking embodiments of Earth. Sit with the ancient teachings of the circle of life. The intelligence and wisdom of Mother Earth should be the curriculum.

Our governance systems must include elders and nature. First peoples’ governance systems must be adopted by settlers. 98% of forests and close to 98% of indigenous people have been annihilated. Yet first peoples hold road maps to paradise! Giving thanks to trees and plants, raising hands to them in a gesture of gratitude for the gift of life, give thanks daily with respect.

We each embody aspects of colonialism within ourselves and must heal it. Question colonial indoctrination. Children learn better when adults create space for them to learn without adult interference or deciding what they should learn.

We are energy beings. Children can release conflictual energy rapidly, but as adults we stiffen and don’t express emotions. By not releasing negative energy, the energy becomes toxic.

All is relational. Build relationships with elders and with ancestors. Clarity and knowledge will come in time. The indigenous never killed an ancient tree. But the settlers never asked how they lived, or learned from their centuries of accumulated wisdom of plants. Return to an eldership society.

Indigenous people have knowledge of connection with Mother Earth and with Spirit, through opening the eyes and the heart. Make a great network to save all knowledge from Mother Earth, a great ceremony to heal the sickness. The elders say to work with our culture in a spiritual way; meet and sit with the elders, those wisdom keepers with real knowledge of Mother Earth. We don’t need resources and projects; take a moment to listen to heart, spirit and ancestor voices within. We all have connection if we do the discipline. One Human Family will be unstoppable.

Elders say that indigenous systems will heal the Earth. A big ceremony in union will allow energy to travel to all hearts…a global gathering for healing and transformation. Search inside for our answers; go to the roots/the ancestors. Listen to the mountains, the wind, the earth, the fire; call the Spirits and receive answers. Ancestors speak through trees, wind, water in symbols and signals which we must learn to read. Open the eyes of the heart-–hear the words of Mother Earth.

Quantum physics recognizes vibrational fields. Capitalism and colonialism create negative vibrations. Align with positive vibrations of nature and spirit via ceremonies. Don’t wait for governments to change or lead, they won’t act fast enough to avert climate chaos, so we must act ourselves.

First people elders are gathering with one intention, embodied, with help from the Spirit world. Universally, we have freedom to choose. The Spirit world cannot help us unless we ask. Achieve harmony with existence, then get powerful answers!

Re-indigenizing our colonized minds: heal ourselves (it’s unselfish). Restore balance, listen to Mother Earth, return to authentic selves. Natural disasters are caused by un-expressed human emotions. Mother Earth is black in her fertile soils, feeding us. Yet we fear darkness.

Four prior worlds were destroyed by humans; only first peoples survived. We need barter, trade, sharing, healing songs and healing herbs. Create alternative economies. We must prepare for hard times, humans have little time left to act.



Cathy Holt
Cathy Holt

Written by Cathy Holt

Cathy has been living in Colombia for 3 years. She’s passionate about regenerating landscapes with water retention, agro-forestry, and biogas digestors.

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